Education & Training
In our training center in Wuppertal we carry out the most varied seminars.
Here, not only product training courses are offered, but also seminars that provide the participant with up-to-date insider information and sound knowledge in dealing with the rope, lifting and lifting techniques.
Modern communication techniques, a portion of practice and optimally designed seminar documents guarantee a fast and sustainable seminar success.
All seminars can be carried out in-house if required.
Each student will receive a certificate to confirm their participation in our programs.
Seminars on special topics are available on request.
Training for ‘Qualified Person’ for the maintenance and testing of Yale hoists according to UVV BGV D8
The relevant regulations for lifting equipment, in particular the accident prevention regulation BGV D8, obliges an annual inspection of winches, hoists and pulling devices.
This check must be carried out by a qualified person who can assess the safe working condition of these devices. In this seminar the participants will be able to carry out the required UVV-tests on the basis of the UVV and practical examples.
Target group
Employees from all company divisions who are entrusted with the testing, maintenance and repair of lifting equipment.
>> Click here for the registration form
Do you have any questions about our products and services?
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to advise you! You can reach us at +49 202 693 59-600 or info.wuppertal@cmco.eu.
We are looking forward to your inquiry!