Below the Hook

TIGRIP® load handling attachments have been a byword for reliability, quality and safety for over 35 years. For transport by hoist, we offer the optimum load handling attachment for almost every application. Our range includes grabs, lifting clamps, tension clamps, transport eyes, C-hooks, spring balancers, lifting magnets, load handling equipment for civil engineering, lifting beams, crane forks and weighing equipment. We are of course always available for further advice.

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Of course, you will receive a CE declaration of conformity for each product in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and operating instructions in the respective national language. TIGRIP® products guarantee the highest level of product safety and comply with all applicable standards.

Featured brands

With a family of trusted global brands, Columbus McKinnon products leverage our company's rich history in industrial manufacturing to revolutionize the future of lifting and motion control.

Yale 10

Tigrip load receptors - for efficient and safe material transport!

With us you will find the right load handling device, sling and lifting device for your application.

Grippers - Lifting grippers & lifting pliers

Grippers for turning, lifting and transporting loads. (pipe grippers, block grippers, drum grippers, drum pliers).

Lifting clamps & sheet metal grippers

Clamps for vertical and horizontal transport of sheets and profiles.

(sheet metal grippers, sheet metal clamps, general purpose grippers, soft grippers, screw clamps)

Permanent lifting magnets

Permanent lifting magnets for lifting magnetic loads are particularly durable and low-maintenance.

Trusses - Load beams & crane beams

Trusses for long, bulky and heavy loads. (H-trusses, forklift trusses)

Crane forks and loading forks

Krangabel or loading fork for palletized goods with manual or automatic weight balancing.

Coil hook - C-hook

C-shaped hooks ideal for the safe transport of annular loads such as coils.

Spring balancers and balancers

Balancers are used to relieve the operator of the weight of the tool.

Weighing technology & crane scales

Crane scales to detect weights or measure forces.

Textile slings

Textile slings with high load-bearing capacity and low dead weight. , slings

Lifting equipment - Lifting equipment

Wide range of hoists in the load capacity ranges from 250 – 50,000kg.

Questions on determining the appropriate load handling device:

Clamps and grippers:

What is being transported - information on the load:

Application instructions for load handling equipment:

INFO: A large number of other use cases have not been discussed here, please contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by load handling equipment?

Lifting accessories belong to the load handling devices. They are an interchangeable link between the hoist and the load and are often combined with slings. The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the DIN EN 13155 standard apply to lifting accessories.

Load handling devices can be used to grip, clamp, attach or magnetically attach loads. There are different types of load handling devices, these include, for example: load beams, lifting clamps (pliers), coil hooks, lifting grippers, loading forks.

They all share the common goal of making it easier and safer to move heavy objects.

Definition of load handling equipment according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC:

'A component or piece of equipment, other than that of the hoist, which enables the load to be gripped and which is placed between the machinery and the load or on the load itself, or which is intended to become an integral part of the load and which is placed on the market separately; lifting accessories shall also include slings and their components."

What are slings?

Slings are also a lifting device and serve as a detachable link between the hoist and the load or hoist and the lifting device.

Slings include, for example, round slings, lifting straps, sling ropes or sling chain chains, shackles and anchor points.

What needs to be considered when using load handling devices?

What needs to be checked before starting work?

Who is allowed to test load handling equipment?

Repairs and inspections may only be carried out by qualified persons or inspectors who use original spare parts. Continuous records must be kept of this.

Load handling devices must be maintained at the prescribed intervals for safe operation in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance instructions.

For mandatory maintenance (usually at least once a year, depending on the frequency of use and severity), or if defects are found, you can send your load handling equipment to us for assessment and repair.