
Upcoming Tradeshows & Special Events

Columbus McKinnon's Tradeshow and Events schedule is updated frequently, so check back regularly for new additions to this list.

Trade fair

CM Rigging Guide

Download our handbook for Rigging & Hoisting Applications to be saved directly on your computer or phone for easy access. 

pocket guide tilt (1)

News and interesting facts at Columbus McKinnon

Yale BatteryHoist - Product Picture - PDP Main
11/06/24 • Hoisting & Lifting

New CM® BatteryStar™ Battery-Powered Chain Hoist Available for Preorder

We’re excited to announce that our new CM® BatteryStar™ battery-powered chain hoist is available for pre-order. This first-of-its-kind hoist provides the speed and strength of an electric hoist paired with the portability and convenience of a manual hoist, plus enhanced safety features.

Speech Bubbles

Media & Press Requests

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