Manuals for Hoisting & Lifting

All our Hoisting & Lifting manuals in one overview

Hoisting and Lifting

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Manual Hoists     -    Electric Hoists     -    Battery Hoists
Winches     -    Rack and Pinion Jacks     -    Hydraulic Tools     -    Trolleys & Trolley Clamps
Material Handling Equipment     -    Heavy Load Moving System     -     Workshop Equipment     -     Lifting Tables




Manual Hoists

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Hand Chain Hoists

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yalelift360 Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yalelift IT Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yalelift LH Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale VSIII Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
YaleMINI 360 Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale Silverline Stira S Series A Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-RO-SK-TR-PL-RU
(Yale Silverline Stira S Hand chain hoist) - no longer sold DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU

Hand Chain Hoists ATEX

Yalelift & Yalelift IT & Yalelift LH ATEX Hand chain hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU



Lever hoists

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yale C 85 Ratchet lever hoist with roller chain DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale D 85 Ratchet lever hoist with link chain DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale AL Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale PT Series A Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
(Yale PT Ratchet lever hoist) - no longer sold DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale ERGO360 Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale ERGO360® UT Ratchet lever hoist with safety gear DE - -
Yale UNOplus Series A Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale UNOplus Series A, Arctic Edition DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
(Yale UNOplus Ratchet lever hoist) - no longer sold DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yalehandy Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale Silverline HZ S Ratchet lever hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU



Cable Puller and Accessories

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yaletrac ST Cable puller DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yaletrac Cable puller DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale UR Pulley blocks DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU



Electric and Air Hoists

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Electric Chain Hoists

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yale CPV Electric Chain Hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU
Yale CPE Electric Chain Hoist DE EN  

Air Chain Hoists ATEX

Yale CPA Pneumatic Chain Hoist ATEX DE EN FR



Battery Hoist

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Product Name DE EN & global FR 
Yale BatteryStar Battery Powered Chain Hoist DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-DA-SV-NO-FI-PL-AR




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Electric Winches

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yale Electric winch RPE DE EN FR
Yale Mtrac Endlesswinch DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU

Manual Winches

Pfaff MWS Manual winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW K-LB Console-mounted wire rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-K GAMMA Aluminium Console-mounted rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-KAL Aluminium Console-mounted rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-K LAMBDA Console-mounted wire rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-W Wall-mounted wire rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-W ALPHA Wall-mounted wire rope winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff SW-W-SGO Wall-mounted winch DE-EN-FR
Pfaff OMEGA DGUV-V54 (BGV D8) Console-mounted wire rope winch DE EN -
Pfaff Omega ATEX Console-mounted wire rope winch DE EN -
Pfaff Omega Offshore Console-mounted wire rope winch DE EN -

Worm Gear Drives

Pfaff S worm gear drive S20 & S24 DE-EN-FR


Pfaff DSRB S Wire rope pulley block DE-EN-FR



Steel Jacks & Rack and Pinion Jacks

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Racks and Pinion Jacks

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Sluice gate jack SCH-W DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Wall-mounted rack and pinion jack ZWW DE-EN-FR-NL-RO
Pfaff Wall-mounted rack and pinion jack ZWW-L DE-EN-FR-NL-PL
Yaletaurus Ratchet jack  DE-EN-ES-NL
Pfaff Steel jack STW-V DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Steel jack STW-F DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Steel jack SJ Siku DE-EN-FR



Hydraulic Jacks & Tools

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Hand Foot Pumps and Power Packs

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Yale PMF Multiple-flow power pack DE-EN-FR
Yale PYB Battery driven electric power pack DE EN -

Pullers and Jacks

Yale YAS Hydraulic machine jack DE - FR
Yale BMZ Puller sets with separate hydraulics - EN FR
Yale YAM Machine jacks - EN FR
Yale AJH / AJS Aluminium hydraulic jacks - EN FR

Hydraulic Cylinders

Yale YEGB High-tonnage cylinders - EN FR

Workshop Presses and Hoist Test Stands

Yale Hydraulic test rig RPYS-1215 DE EN-NL -



Trolleys and Trolley Clamps

Manual Trolleys

Product Name DE EN & global FR

Trolleys ATEX


Trolley and Beam Clamps

Yale CTP Trolley clamp DE-EN-FR-ES-IT-NL-HU-SK-RO-TR-PL-RU



Material Handling Equipment

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Hand Pallet Trucks

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck HU 25-115 TS SILVERLINE (Tandem rollers) HU 25-115 ES SILVERLINE (Single rollers) DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck SILVERLINE (BTS-SL) with a smaller or a wider loading width DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck with low height forks HU 15-115 FTP PROLINE DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck PROLINE with short forks DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck PROLINE for heavy loads DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck PROLINE mit long forks DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck PROLINE with extended forks and increased capacity DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck with Quick-lift HU 20-115 QLTP PROLINE DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck HU 20-115 VATP DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck with driving and parking brake HU 25-115 FBTP PROLINE DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck with weighing system HU W 20 SL SILVERLINE DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hand pallet truck with weighing system HU W 20 S SILVERLINE & -with weighing system and printer HU W-20 SPR SILVERLINE DE-EN-FR



Manual Drive Stackers

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Hydraulic hand stacker HV O516 DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hydraulic hand stacker HV 1008 & HV 1016 DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Electric-hydraulic hand stacker EHH PSE DE - -
Pfaff Electric-hydraulic hand stacker EHH PS DE-EN-FR



Elevating Platform

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Plattformlift PRAKTIKUS HP DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Scissor elevating platform HX DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Scissor elevating platform HX-D DE-EN-FR



Scissor Pallet Trucks

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Scissor pallet truck with manual-hydraulic lift HU HS 10 B DE EN -
Pfaff Scissor pallet truck with electric-hydraulic lift HU ES 10 B DE EN -



Electric Pedestrian Stackers

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Electric pedestrian stacker EGV PSH II DE - -
Pfaff Electric pedestrian stacker EGV PSL II DE - -



Skates and Heavy Load Moving Systems

Wheeled Skates

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Steerman® Load moving skatesand systems with fixed wheels LF DE-EN-FR
Steerman® Heavy load moving system LX DE-EN-FR



Workshop Equipment

Jacks & Workshop Presses

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Hydrauli car jack HWH 2K – 2KS – KS PROLINE DE-EN-FR
Yale Universal jack JH DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Machine jack MH DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Hydraulic service jack HRH P PROLINE DE - -
Pfaff Hydraulic service jack HRH S SILVERLINE DE EN -



Lifting Tables

Flat Scissor Lifting Tables

Product Name DE EN & global FR
Pfaff Flat scissor lifting table HTF-G SILVERLINE DE-EN-FR
Pfaff Flat scissor lifting table HTF-U SILVERLINE DE-EN-FR

Handling Lifting Tables

Pfaff Handling lifting table HTH-E SILVERLINE DE-EN-FR

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